Get Clients Bootcamp

Social Media Positioning & Sales Group Program for fresh coaches, creatives, and other lifestyle business owners ready to sign (more) clients and make their first €20K+. The best foundation for building stable income streams.

7-Day Money-Back Guarantee

10% Off Any Plan Using Coupon GCB10 At Checkout

Delivered by MettaStartup Studio | Trusted by & Partners of

Is this you?

I'm doing some marketing on social but still no one is reaching out to buy. I'm getting discouraged cause I see no response."

I don't know how to talk about my services so people buy. And which platform should I use to sell?

I don't like sales. Somehow it feels wrong to ask people for money. But I still need to pay my bills."

I'm just not someone who enjoys marketing or selling. I love working on the product but I feel really stressed out about selling it."

I'm not sure I can actually help them with their problem. What will my friends say when they see my posts on IG?

I don't feel confident talking about my service. I don't feel like an expert yet. Will others notice?"

Look, you're definitely not alone. Majority of people, who're just starting out with their own businesses, experience doubt and insecurity when it comes to marketing and selling their services and products.

But without getting clients, there's no business.

If you don't make an offer to your customers, they can't pay you money. Which means you don't get any cash in. Which means your business dies.

Getting your first clients is all about MAKING OFFERS.

And, actually it can be easier than you think.

Look, you're definitely not alone.

The majority of people, who're just starting out with their own businesses, experience doubt and insecurity when it comes to marketing and selling their services and products.

But without getting clients, there's no business.

If you don't make an offer to your customers, they can't pay you money. Which means you don't get any cash in. Which means your business dies.

Getting your first clients is all about MAKING OFFERS.

And, actually it can be easier than you think.

Now imagine you...

  • Had a clearly defined niche that works for you

  • Knew exactly what people in your niche are willing to pay for and how to offer them this

  • Knew exactly how to position yourself on social media so it resonates with your ideal clients and they actually buy from you

  • Had a done-for-you launch content calendar and prompts to create the foundations of your personal brand and position a new offer

  • Lead sales conversations confidently so you convert more clients and feel authentic doing it

  • Had access to and support from a team of coaches, entrepreneurs, marketing and tech experts

Introducing "Get Clients Bootcamp"


Not only I made back the course fee (and made money on top), but I also got a lot more confidence and clarity on how I want to proceed with my business. Olgi's and Carsten's guidance is simple, ruthless and effective. Compared to others in my group I was slow to sign clients, but even I reached the target. And a bonus that cannot be overstated, is the fantastic group spirit that comes with it.

Liezel, Coach, Zijdebeek Coaching

My lack of direct experience in sales had fed my inner voice that I wouldn't be able to secure any clients. But within 3 weeks of working with Olga & Carsten, I signed a year-long contract as an executive coach.

They provided detailed, actionable, and consistent support through a lovingly blunt delivery (that fire that gets you off your bum and into your business)".

Jane, Executive Coach, Former Recruiter in Big Tech & Consulting

What you get

Mentor Calls

Weekly LIVE group calls to answer questions and get work done, so you create efficient & quality progress in a minimum timeframe.

>30 Video Lessons

Step-by-step video guidance so you know exactly how to identify your purpose-driven niche, build your offer, and craft your sales messages.

Niche Finder

A tool to help you define a purposeful and profitable niche that works for you specifically and makes it easy to gain traction when first starting out.

Offer Builder

A simple methodology and framework for building an offer that your target audience will be excited to pay for. PS You also get a sales page template

Social Media Mktg

21-day done-for-you social media content calendar with daily prompts for you to position yourself and your offer and land paying clients.

Sales Coaching

Understand why your ideal customers don't buy after speaking to you about your offer and learn an authentic way to close sales conversations.

WhatsApp Support

Unlimited mentoring via WhatsApp from our coaches and marketing/tech experts to give you quick feedback and tips every step of the way.

Ecosystem Access

Access to our MettaCollective incl. 6 months usage of our marketing and sales tools, our continuous learning library, and monthly live workshops.,..


Get Clients Bootcamp | Context & Welcome Message

Nail your Niche

Use our MettaStartup Niche-Finder exercise to find a strong niche that works for you specifically and get guidance on how to prepare a leads-list using our outreach tracker sheet

Key Results:

  • Your Purpose-Driven Niche

  • Your Outreach Tracker Leads List

  • Niche Finder Live Group Mentor/Working Sessions

Create a Compelling Offer

Craft a compelling sales offer that fits your niche. It's a simple and effective framework inspired by industry leading programs we attended ourselves fine-tuned through application with hundreds of clients.

Key Results:

  • Your Compelling Sales Offer

  • Your 2-Step Sales Funnel

  • Your Prototype Sales Page with Payment Integration

  • Copy-Writing Basics for Sales

  • Offer Builder Live Group Mentor/Working Sessions

Social Media Positioning

Receive social media profile setup guidance and 21 done-for-you social media posts incl. guidance of how to personalize further with your language so they become authentic and build trust with your audience.

Key Results:

  • Social Media Profile Setup (IG/FB/LI/YT/X/Tiktok/Threads)

  • 21-day Launch Content Plan & Posts for IG/LI

  • A Personal AI-Generated 90d Post-Launch Content Plan

  • Social Post Creation Live Group Mentor/Working Sessions

Sales Conversations

Learn how to authentically sell in conversations via chat and in calls.

Key Results:

  • 21-day Launch Content Plan & Posts

  • Simple 21-day Activation KPI Tracker

  • Social Post Creation Live Group Mentor/Working Sessions

Ongoing Feedback from Mentors & Trainers

Weekly Live Support on any of the above from fine-tuning your niche and offer to establish yourself as an expert on social media, making sales offers, and closing sales conversations.

Key Results:

  • Mastering the Get Clients Bootcamp Process

  • Weekly Q&A calls and Mod-Specific Working Sessions 

  • Mod-Specific WhatsApp Groups with Trainers*

  • 1on1 strategy sessions*

*only available in Pro & VIP tiers

12m Access MettaEcosystem

12-month access to all course materials, full access to our marketing and sales tools, and continuous learning library with mentors to give you enough time to master this process and learn the most relevant additional skills for any early-stage business owner.

Key Results:

  • 12m Access to our All-In-One Sales & Marketing Tool

  • 12m Access to our Growing Learning Portal Library

  • Continuous Return on Investment


Your support community for brainstorm power, honest feedback, skill exchange, social media support, genuine testimonials, tech support, network sharing, etc.

Key Results:

  • Growing quality community of early-stage purpose-driven or passion-inspired lifestyle business owners

  • Feedback & Testimonials

  • Social Media Engagement

  • Tech Support

  • Skill Sharing

  • Network Sharing & Warm Introductions


Lâma, Holistic Core Coach, The Space

Simone, Account Exec / Coach, Smartly

Our 'Get Clients Bootcamp' Guarantee

7-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Join our Get Clients Bootcamp and experience the materials, exercises, our weekly group calls, and depending on your package even a 1on1 call without any risk. You don't like it, just tell us your full name and ask for a refund via email to [email protected] and we will process it within 24h no questions asked.




What happens after I sign up & how to plan for program participation?

Access: After you pay, your 12-month access period starts and you receive a welcome email including login details and access to our course materials so you can dive in and start creating your return on investment immediately. Within 48h, we'll create your personal user account in our sales and marketing software, which you'll have access to for 6 months for free and can choose to continue then for €37/month which is a friendly price for our community (for Pro & VIP plans you get extended free access for a total of 12 and 18 months respectively.

Weekly Q&A & Mentor Group Calls: When we receive your payment, we'll also add you to our weekly live mentor calls, run by our co-founders Olga or Carsten as well as Lead Trainers. The calls are divided into 30min Q&A sessions on any course module, after which we'll facilitate a 60min working session where we guide you through completing significant progress for one of the Get Clients Bootcamp modules rotating between 1) Niche Finder, 2) Customer Discovery, 3) Offer Builder, 4) Social Posts Creation, and 5) Sales Conversation Trainings.

What if I cannot make a Group Call: Group Calls will be recorded and uploaded to our course materials for you to check in on later or to review once again even if you attended. Repetition is the mother of skill and we want you to fully internalize the process so you are truly upskilled as a founder and entrepreneur.

Weekly Time Invest: You can finish the course and get paying clients with just 6 weeks. If you want to do so, we expect and recommend dedicating 2 hours per day to your business and this process. It'll not only help you to establish a routine but also achieve meaningful momentum and results during an incredibly short amount of time. We'll help you find the best way of integrating this into your daily routine if you struggle to do so.

Is this for me right now and will I be able to pull this off?


Starting a business is quite a lot like getting a baby. There's never the "right" time. All that's needed is a decision that it's important to you and to get into it with action moving forward. You will pick up on things along the way and a year from now, you will be further than you can imagine just by applying the simple rule of "a little bit every day".

If you want this (no matter if with us or someone else) but you are concerned about obligations toward loved ones or a job, then consider how bitter and unfulfilled you might become over time if you keep sacrificing what you really want for others. Would you be the best version of yourself, the same inspiring and energized for them if you didn't move toward your true vision and dreams or at least gave it a real shot?

Get Clients Bootcamp

You know what you business you want to do and are ready to get out there? You just finished a further education as a coach, yoga teacher, designer, permaculture professional, DIY professional, etc. and want to start to establish yourself as an expert in this new field and get your first clients?

If you see yourself in the above, Get Clients Bootcamp is right for you. We will define your niche and offer and help you with a framework for content marketing to establish yourself and get your first clients.

80% of clients, who've often dreaded selling prior to joining, actually make their money back during or within 30d after the program. You don't need to know anything about selling. Just bring an open mind to fall in love with it and you'll take full value out of this course. We broke it all down into simple steps each week and we do them all together with 24/7 possibility to ask us anything via a course whatsapp group chat.

What methodologies do you use and how are they the best for first-time lifestyle founders?


Nothing happens in isolation of anything else and it's the same in business, which is why we always offer holistic business-building services.

Thats why all of our services lie at the intersection of 'Purpose-Driven' - without personal mission-alignment you'll give up and get demotivated quickly, 'Startup Processes' - without the right process understanding you do random actions not creating desired progress, 'Software Tools' - without the right tools you may waste money or reduce productivity, 'Done-For-You' - you don't always have the time to do it all in the beginning so we also offer packages where we do things for you, and a combination of 'Coaching, Mentoring, and Consulting' - cause sometimes it's the mindset that needs support and sometimes its the practical business skills, which is why we offer both.

We base everything we do on proven concepts and frameworks from the tech startup world brought to the lifestyle startup sector as well as our own growing experience of working with and practically applying them to many different use-cases. 

Get Clients Bootcamp

The bootcamp is all about learning sales foundations and getting clients and we base our approach and tools around industry-leading frameworks that we learned and tested for our own business and with clients and which we review and fine-tune every year.

The idea of positioning bootcamp as a program when just starting out also follows the idea of the successful lean startup methodology which says to validate your hypothesis of a business idea in short but intense build-measure-learn cycles.

Bootcamp will boost your progress through efficient feedback, insights, and confidence collection that would otherwise take you months or even years to collect on your own. We go as far to say "years" as it often isn't comfortable to get out there when you first launch your business and with a busy life that throws us obstacles and with initial attempts not working our immediately, you could easily pause, re-evaluate, doubt yourself for months in a row without true progress.

Where do you take your expertise from to put this service together?

Holistic Business Background

Throughout our 12 year careers at adidas and Wayfair, we (Olga & Carsten) have both been exposed to an incredibly broad range of business areas. From brand comms, to omni-channel marketing, to retail, to eCom, to wholesale, to product marketing, to product creation, to business-to-business sales, to logistics, to innovation, and project management. This makes us versatile and able to comprehend and guide you across a broad range of business types and business models.

Official Partners of Portugals biggest Tech Startup Incubator

Since early 2022 we have immersed ourselves into the tech startup ecosystem and are official partners of Portugals biggest startup incubator Startup Lisboa as well as a Lisbon based startup studio called Buildup Labs. We are committed to keep taking the best of the tech startup world and bring it to the lifestyle startup sector so everyone can benefit from the latest and greatest that the entrepreneurial world has got to offer.

Over 150 Tech & Lifestyle Startups

Since we started working in this niche we have helped and worked with over 150 different founders in the tech and lifestyle sector which has fuelled a broad and deep understanding of what it takes to make it happen applied to a diverse set of scenarios. We are also partners and active members of the global Future Founders community and have built a huge network of founders and relevant freelance contacts along the way.

Certified Professional Coaches

In 2020, we graduated as certified professional coaches from a 1-year coach training program of an ICF-certified top US coach training school named iPEC. The coach training study changed our lives and we know that it is not just a woowooo thing but there is immense transformational opportunity in learning about yourself and taking 100% responsibility of your experience in life and business. With over 1000 hours of life and business coaching for founders and aspiring business owners, as well as consciously observing our own mind drama along the way of starting our business, we have understood core themes that tend to show up and hold you back the most.

Walking the Talk

Everything we preach and teach, we have tested and done ourselves. From our process to our coaching to the software tools we provide you to use. It's all designed to be highly practical with a no-fluff no-BS approach. We don't want you to have shiny things, we want you to have things that work effectively for you to progress your own business journey at an affordable cost and efficiently at the same time.

The Bootcamp Guarantee

‍We are so confident about the value we deliver in our program that we give you a 7-Day Money-Back Guarantee no questions asked. Once you understand the level of personalized service you receive and notice how practical all of our lessons are, we're sure you don't want to take us up on this. But in case you do, just email us at [email protected] until the end of the 7th day post-purchase (count includes the day of purchase).

Plans & Pricing



+ Group Calls




Money-Back Guarantee

12-month access to all (continuously evolving) course materials (value €1000)

52 Weekly Live Q&A & Working Session Group Calls (value €600)

21-day social media content calendar (value €300)

Access to all-in-one sales and marketing software for 6 months (value €582)

Access to General Get Clients Bootcamp chat of peers for sharing and support ($100)

Access to MettaCollective community chat & monthly live masterclasses for further business education ($444)

Still Got Questions?


Trainer Supported

+ 2x 1on1s




Money-Back Guarantee

All features of Basic

+ 2x 60min 1on1 strategy session with one of our lead trainers after completing Module 1-4 and after completion of your first sales cycle (€500)

+ 1x Personalized in-depth trainer feedback on niche, offer, and sales page (€300)

+ 21 personalized social media sales launch content prompts done for you (€600)

+ Access to Module specific Trainer chats for personalized Q&A ($100)

+ Bonus Workshop to teach you how to set up your first Funnels (€250)

+ Extended access to sales and marketing software to 12 months in total (€1164)

Still Got Questions?



+ 8x 1on1s




Money-Back Guarantee

All features of Pro

+ 6x 60min 1on1 coaching sessions with one of lead trainers after completion of each Module and in the middle of the first sales cycle (€1500)

+ 6 month Private WhatsApp Chat with a Lead Trainer for maximum personalized support & accountability (€450)

+ Creation of 1st simple Sales Page Draft done by us (€600)

+ Copywriting Mentor & 1x Editing of all 21 Social Media Posts (€699)

+ Bonus Workshop to teach you Course Creator Foundations (€999)

+ Extended access to sales and marketing software to 18 months in total (€1746)

Still Got Questions?

Want to get to know us and ask questions via video call?

Book a free 15min Q&A Call

Pick a Date and Time


Available Starting times for Thu, Oct 17, 2024


Full Program


By Phase



Save 35% with Annual Plan

  • Community Chat Access

  • Weekly Challenges

  • Monthly Expert Masterclasses

  • Community Networking Tool

  • All-In-One Marketing & Sales Software Access



Save 38% with Full Program

*If you upgrade to "full program" within 3 months of purchasing Phase 1, then we will deduct the sum you paid from the Full Program Pricing (eg €988-€397=€591)

  • Same As Ecosystem


  • On-Demand Program (1 Phase of Choice or Full Program)

  • Monthly Q&A Calls

  • Quarterly Digital Live Events To Boost Energy & Progress (Full Program Purchases Only)

Optional Add-Ons:

  • Advisory Board

  • Mindset & Health COaching Support



+35% of End-of-Year1-Sales

+5/4/3/2/1% of End-of-Year2-6

  • Same as DIY


  • Phase-specific creation & implementation of key deliverables, led and executed by MettaStartup Studio

  • Private WhatsApp with dedicated Business Coach

  • Continuous consulting and brainstorm support with CO-founder team spirit



+35% of End-of-Year1-Sales

+5% of End-of-Year2&3-Sales

  • Same as DFY


  • 12x 60min (Monthly) Coaching Sessions

  • 1x Personalized Holistic Health Plan by Experts

  • Personal Advisory Board Input for Key Milestones

  • Premium Web Design in Webflow

I love the all-in-one software they provide. Took away the headache of researching and learning at least 4-5 other tools I would've needed in my case. Also whenever I had questions they go above and beyond to help me understand and solve my questions. Being able to be part of their community made me feel less alone as most of my friends and family aren't entrepreneurs and often don't understand me. I also really enjoy the raw and authentic masterclasses to learn about new aspects of running a business.

Jessica, Strategy & Ops Mgr, Google

Well structured, thought of details, templates and exercises were practical and helpful. Feel like I grew a ton of entrepreneur knowledge in a relatively short amount of time working with it. Even in the DIY route I still had direct access to Carsten & Olga in Q&A calls and was able to contact mentors to support when a certain topic arose that i didn't have much upfront knowledge on and felt stuck in. It was perfect for keeping me from overthinking and guiding my process step by step as I was off a sabbatical working on starting my business for the first time.

Martin, Yoga Teacher, Self-Employed

Still can't believe they did this much work for me consulting and implementing steps toward my first own business for such a price. It's a nobrainer if you want to start any business but still work full-time and don't want to sacrifice your work-life balance. With 2 kids the latter was very important for me and I don't think I could've or would've started anything without Olgas and Carstens support. They have so much knowledge and care so much. It was a real team work and I feel I learned so much along the way. Still in my corporate job and still working with them in rent-a-cofounder now as we're working on stabilzing sales but even when i step out i'll stay with them if they allow it haha.

Anna, Account Manager, Amazon

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